Thursday, February 17, 2011

Monterey bay

Monterey bay, originally uploaded by ashwin.jayaprakash.

Monterey bay sunrise

Monterey bay sunrise, originally uploaded by ashwin.jayaprakash.

Monterey bay

Monterey bay, originally uploaded by ashwin.jayaprakash.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Going native, yes to SQL and other stories

Some interesting performance related articles and links I've come across in the past few weeks:

A useful thread discussing Voldemort's performance compared to Cassandra. Even more interesting to note is that LinkedIn runs 18G heaps for Voldemort+BDB.

HBase guys doing some work around the JVM GC, reminiscent of arenas and slab allocators.

Native code:
Java Fast Sockets - a research project around alternative, high performance socket implementations for Java and its spin-off company. The company site still looks like it's in stealth mode. A downloadable version would've been nice. A "free" version would've been nicer.

If you thought Java Classloading was tricky and JVM startup times are better these days - look at what the Firefox and Chrome guys have been up to - bypassing normal DLL loading and pre-fetching pages from disk:

Another interesting read about how debuggers work internally. 

Yes to SQL:
Some libraries and notes for SQL sharding and replication:
Some interesting SQL tips and tools:
Until next time!