- Difference between Linearizability and Serializability - Stack Overflow
- How deep volatile publication guarantees? - Stack Overflow
- What it Takes to Write the Fastest Java Connection Pool – Java, SQL and jOOQ (Follow the links on pool sizing)
- REST API testing using Hoverfly, REST Assured and WireMock
- Incremental Compilation, the Java Library Plugin, and other performance features in Gradle 3.4
- About Pool Sizing · brettwooldridge/HikariCP Wiki
- smacke/jaydio: A Java library to perform direct I/O in Linux, bypassing file page cache.
- CHAMP algorithm is current state of the art for immutable/persistent collections · Issue #6 · Kotlin/kotlinx.collections.immutable
- austinv11/Long-Map-Benchmarks: Benchmarking the best way to store long, Object value pairs in a map.
- Advance Programs and Tricks in Java: Reading text from Images using Java
- Parameters method should be invoked after BeforeClass/ClassRules · Issue #527 · junit-team/junit4
- RFR 9: 8165641 : Deprecate Object.finalize
- java - Is there anything wrong with using I/O + ManagedBlocker in Java8 parallelStream()? - Stack Overflow
- Turbo Charge CPU Utilization in Fork/Join Using the ManagedBlocker by Heinz Kabutz - YouTube
- nomemory/mockneat: MockNeat is a Java 8+ library that facilitates the generation of arbitrary data for your applications.
- [HDFS-8562] HDFS Performance is impacted by FileInputStream Finalizer - ASF JIRA
- java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable getBounds is not thread safe - vmlens
- Memory aligned to 64-bytes PooledByteBufAllocator - Google Groups
- Buffer allocation and leak detection in Netty // Speaker Deck
- How Lambdas And Anonymous Inner Classes Work - DZone Java
- java - Why can we not use default methods in lambda expressions? - Stack Overflow
- Invokedynamic - Java’s Secret Weapon
- All about java.util.Date | Jon Skeet's coding blog
Slightly more hard core Java
- 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Java – Java, SQL and jOOQ.
- Psychosomatic, Lobotomy, Saw: Java Flame Graphs Introduction: Fire For Everyone!
- The Art of JVM Profiling
- The 6 Memory Metrics You Should Track in Your Java Benchmarks |
- Aleksey Shipilёv jvm-anatomy-park
- 2017_Vectorization_in_HotSpot_JVM.pdf
- Speedup Your Java Apps with Hardware Counters
- JUnit 5 by Marc Philipp - YouTube
Java in the future
- Your next JVM: Panama, Valhalla, Metropolis by John Rose - YouTube
- java - newInstance vs new in jdk-9/jdk-8 and jmh - Stack Overflow
- Java Platform, Standard Edition Oracle JDK 9 Migration Guide, Release 9
- 55 New Features in JDK 9
- JDK 9 rampdown and a plea for mercy
A little bit of non-Java
- New Features in C# 7.0 | .NET Blog
- Why Kotlin Sucks
- talk: Mid-stack inlining in the Go compiler (external) - Google Slides
- Changes I would make to Go -
- We should not count on using go plugins · Issue #563 · docker/containerd
- Setting up a Highly Available Kubernetes Cluster with private networking on AWS using Kops
- Zero to Kubernetes CI/CD in 5 minutes with Jenkins and Helm - YouTube
Systems, data stores and more
- How Tarantool works with memory
- Exploring Performance of etcd, Zookeeper and Consul Consistent Key-value Datastores
- etcd/ at master · coreos/etcd
- Strong consistency models
- What No One Tells You About Writing a Streaming App: Spark Summit talk by Mark Grover & Ted Malaska - YouTube
- Moving from Hazelcast to Redis
- In search of a simple consensus algorithm
- Mastering Spark Unit Testing (Ted Malaska) - YouTube
- Announcing FOSSA Public Beta & Funding – FOSSA – Medium
- ScyllaDB: Achieving No-compromise Performance
- Stitch Fix Algorithms Tour
- Learning Machine Learning on the cheap: Persistent AWS Spot Instances – Slav – Medium
- Comparing The Performance Of Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Network IO
- The Verification of a Distributed System by Caitie McCaffrey - YouTube
- Elasticsearch Search Improvements: Range Fields, Removing _all Field, and more | Elastic
- Redis Pub/Sub under the hood - Making Pusher
- donnemartin/system-design-primer: Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview.
- The million dollar engineering problem · Segment Blog
- Radix Trees, Transactions, and MemDB // Speaker Deck
- Fewer mallocs in curl |
- HTTP/2 Two Years Later by Jesse McConnell and Simone Bordet - YouTube
- How fast can you count lines? – Daniel Lemire's blog
- How many floating-point numbers are in the interval [0,1]? – Daniel Lemire's blog
- Jez Humble: Continuous Delivery Sounds Great But It Won’t Work Here [Keynote] on Vimeo
- Index 1,600,000,000 Keys with Automata and Rust - Andrew Gallant's Blog
Time series
- Beringei: A high-performance time series storage engine | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code
- InfluxData | Storage Engine - Floats uses Facebook Gorilla paper
- Storage | Prometheus uses Facebook Gorilla paper
- prometheus/varbit.go at 127332c56f85b71af24cb87bea1fe7a72e60899a · prometheus/prometheus
Some fun stuff
- Clean Code Cheat Sheet
- Best Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Software in 2017 | G2 Crowd
- From spreadsheets to Airtable – Arnaud Porterie
- Add support for MacBook Touch Bar (Magic Toolbar) : IDEA-163208
- Anbox - Android in a Box | Personal notes
- Lukas Eder on Twitter: "Don't argue with the good-code-doesnt-need-comments police. Just add labels. They're code, not comments"
- What makes a good team member - How can you tell a good drummer and a bad drummer apart?