Hi there! Here's some tech reading for you to enjoy (As usual, a hat tip to Youtube, Hacker News and Twitter feeds, which are my usual sources).
Tag(s) |
Link |
concurrent,lang | How We Test Concurrent Primitives in Kotlin Coroutines | The Kotlin Blog |
concurrent,lang | RxJava vs. Coroutines |
concurrent,lang | Typelevel.scala | Why Are Fibers Fast? |
data | Building a SIMD Supported Vectorized Native Engine for Spark SQL - YouTube |
data | Concrete Graveler: Committing Data to Pebble SSTables |
data | Dr. Martin Loetzsch - ETL Patterns with Postgres - YouTube |
data | Kafka Without ZooKeeper: A Sneak Peek At the Simplest Kafka Yet |
data | Presto at Facebook: State of the Union - Biswapesh Chattopadhyay, Facebook - YouTube |
data | Presto, Today & Beyond - Dipti Borkar, David Simmen, Girish Baliga & Biswapesh Chattopadhyay - YouTube |
data | RaptorX: Building a 10X Faster Presto - James Sun, Facebook, Inc - YouTube |
k8s | Kubernetes 1.21 - What's new? - New features and deprecations |
lang | 10 best practices to build Java containers with Docker | Snyk Blog |
lang | A Deep Dive into MicroProfile 4.0 with Open Liberty - OpenLiberty.io |
lang | A Year with Java 11 in Production! |
lang | Announcing Spring Native Beta! |
lang | Anonymous CompletableFuture threads with burstable pods • Brice Dutheil |
lang | Continuous performance regression testing with JfrUnit | DevNation Tech Talk - YouTube |
lang | Enhanced Streams Processing with Kotlin’s Sequence Interface |
lang | How to program machine learning in Java with the Tribuo library |
lang | Improved JFR Allocation Profiling in JDK 16 | foojay |
lang | Improving JVM Warm-up on Kubernetes | by Vikas Kumar | OLX Group Engineering |
lang | Inside Java Episode 13 “JDK Flight Recorder” with Markus Grönlund - YouTube |
lang | JBang - a better Java? - YouTube |
lang | JDK 16 for the record(s) |
lang | Life After Java 8 - YouTube |
lang | Mastering the mechanics of Java method invocation |
lang | Testing beyond coverage – Increment: Reliability |
lang | The Modern Java Platform - 2021 Edition - James Ward |
lang | Using JDK FlightRecorder and JDK Mission Control • Brice Dutheil |
lang | Why Java's Records Are Better* Than Lombok's @Data and Kotlin's Data Classes // nipafx |
lang | ZGC | What's new in JDK 16 |
lang | [JavaSpecialists 289] - MergingSortedSpliterator |
lang,system | SIMD Java wrappers for JSON |
misc | Homestead Paradise: got barren land, boosted it at a profit - YouTube |
misc | Incredibly Diverse 17-Year-Old Syntropic Food Forest - The Food Forest Farmers - YouTube |
misc | Natural sequence farming: How Peter Andrews rejuvenates drought-struck land | Australian Story - YouTube |
misc | Scaling the Test Coverage of OpenAPI Generator for 30+ Programming Languages - William Cheng - YouTube |
misc | This green oasis is a drought-proof village in Rajasthan - YouTube |
misc | VSCode in your browser for navigating Github projects |
system | The Impact of Disks on RocksDB State Backend in Flink: A Case Study |
test | Step by Step Toward Property Based Testing | LeadingAgile |
Until next time!