Distributed systems (and even plain systems)
- Introduction to writing custom collectors in Java 8 | NoBlogDefFound
- Big latencies? It's open season for kernel bug-hunting!
- CockroachDB Stability Post-Mortem: From 1 Node to 100 Nodes | Blog | Cockroach Labs
- Jepsen: CockroachDB beta-20160829
- Comparison to similar systems — envoy 1.1.0-01e800 documentation
- Træfɪk
- GCE vs AWS in 2016: Why you should NEVER use Amazon! – The HFT Guy
- Monitoring Cassandra and IT infrastructure with Riemann | Instaclustr
- WAT - Cassandra: Row level consistency #\$@&%*! | datanerds.io
- Instant Messaging at LinkedIn: Scaling to Hundreds of Thousands of Persistent Connections on One Machine | LinkedIn Engineering
- Designing a Userspace Disk I/O Scheduler for Modern Datastores: the Scylla example (Part1)
- Linux Performance Analysis Using perf and BPF
- Using Linux Control Groups to Constrain Process Memory
- Restricting process CPU usage using nice, cpulimit, and cgroups
- Blocking I/O, Nonblocking I/O, And Epoll
- Fast Topic Matching – Brave New Geek
- SASI, Cassandra on the full text search ride - DuyHai Doan - Codemoti…
- Gorilla: A Fast, Scalable, In-Memory Time Series Database
- Monitoring Kafka performance metrics
- (Read the comments) The probability of data loss in large clusters — Martin Kleppmann’s blog
- Performance comparison of different file formats and storage engines in the Hadoop ecosystem | Databases at CERN
- Using Molly to Model and Test Data Replication in Elasticsearch | Elastic
- Missing Java's compating collector already? Active memory defragmentation by oranagra · Pull Request #3720 · antirez/redis
- Apache Kafka
- 5 Performance Tuning from Oracle
- Al's Cassandra 2.1 tuning guide
- Improving load balancing with a new consistent-hashing algorithm – Vimeo Engineering Blog – Medium
- The Netflix Tech Blog: Zuul 2 : The Netflix Journey to Asynchronous, Non-Blocking Systems
- How and why the leap second affected Cloudflare DNS
SQL lateral view
- sql - What is the difference between LATERAL and a subquery in PostgreSQL? - Stack Overflow
- PostgreSQL's Powerful New Join Type: LATERAL - Heap Blog
- LanguageManual UDF - Apache Hive - Apache Software Foundation
- LanguageManual LateralView - Apache Hive - Apache Software Foundation
Docker and containers
- Docker in Production: A History of Failure – The HFT Guy
- Running Docker in production for 6 months | RackNole Technologies Blogs
- Friends Don't Let Friends Run Docker on Loopback in Production — Project Atomic
- Yocalhost - Yelp's One Weird Trick for Avoiding Links, Sidekicks, and Overlay Networks with Docker // Speaker Deck
- A container networking overview - Julia Evans
- Understanding Docker Networking Drivers and their use cases - Docker Blog
- Everyday Hacks for Docker
- Slow IO performance inside container compared with the host. · Issue 21485 · docker/docker
Science and math
- An Interactive Tutorial on Numerical Optimization
- An Intro to Integer Programming for Engineers: Simplified Bus Scheduling
- Deep Learning Enables You to Hide Screen when Your Boss is Approaching | Ahogrammer
- Tensorflow and deep learning - without at PhD by Martin Görner - YouTube
- TensorKart: self-driving MarioKart with TensorFlow
- The Coming Tech Backlash | Ross Mayfield | Pulse | LinkedIn
- AWS re:Invent 2016: Transforming Industrial Processes with Deep Learning (MAC301) - YouTube
- Hans Rosling: Let my dataset change your mindset - YouTube
- Unlearning descriptive statistics
- jcipar comments on Golang's Real-time GC in Theory and Practice - Pusher Blog
- RubyConf 2016 - Methods of Memory Management in MRI by Aaron Patterson YouTube
- proposal/17503-eliminate-rescan.md at master · golang/proposal
- GopherCon 2016: Francesc Campoy - Understanding nil - YouTube
- New Features in C# 7.0 | Connect(); // 2016 | Channel 9
- Missing generics yet? - Gleam: Distributed Map Reduce for Golang
- Missing generics yet? Advanced Encoding and Decoding Techniques in Go
- Writing High Performance Go (suspiciously like the things you would do in Java too)
- proposal/15292-generics.md at master · golang/proposal
- go - How to avoid re-implementing sort.Interface for similar golang structs - Stack Overflow
- go - Why does json.Unmarshal work with reference but not pointer? - Stack Overflow
- Go and JSON - Eager Blog
- You don't say - Don't Get Bitten by Pointer vs Non-Pointer Method Receivers in Golang | I care, I share, I'm Nathan LeClaire.
- Potential memory leaks of unreleased pointers - SliceTricks · golang/go Wiki
- Golang FAQ - Closures and Goroutines
- How To Close Channels in Golang Elegantly Blog
- Even the simplicity can be too simple: Go Best Practices — Error handling – Medium
- dotGo 2016 - Rhys Hiltner - Go's execution tracer - YouTube
- go - Golang update pass by reference value - Stack Overflow
- Go's Inconsistent and confusing way of handling pointers - pass by reference : invalid operation - type map[key]value does not support indexing - Stack Overflow
- go - Why can't I assign a *Struct to an *Interface? - StackOverflow
- jordan orelli : How to use interfaces in Go
- go - Any difference in using an empty interface or an empty struct as a map's value in golang - Stack Overflow
- concurrency - Golang : anonymous struct and empty struct - StackOverflow
- Cast a struct pointer to interface pointer in Golang - StackOverflow
- interface - Golang function pointer as a part of a struct - StackOverflow
- First-Class Functions in Go - The Go Programming Language
- dotGo 2016 - Péter Szilágyi - Immutability in Go: Post mortem from a DoS-ed blockchain - YouTube
- ResearchPapers · golang/go Wiki
- Go Is Not Good – A list of articles complaining that go isn't good enough | HackerNews
- cmd/compile: go1.8 regression: sync/atomic loop elided · Issue #19182 · golang/go
- btree/btree.go at master · google/btree
Java streams and reactive systems
- Java 8 Streams : 10 missing features – Medium
- Reactive programming with Java 8 and simple-react : batching and chunking – Medium
- Trampolining: a practical guide for awesome Java Developers – Medium
- Faster Purely Functional Data Structures for Java – Medium
- Reactor by Example
- Reactive systems using Reactor
- Unifying the cambrian explosion with cyclops-react - YouTube
- Reactive Streams, j.u.concurrent, & beyond!
Java Lambdas
- Lambda Puzzlers by Peter Lawrey - YouTube
- Lambda Expressions (The Java™ Tutorials Classes and Objects)
- lambda - Closure in Java - Captured value - why this unexpected result? StackOverflow
- Capture in Lambdas (How it differs from Java)
- Beware of Functional Programming in Java! – Java, SQL and jOOQ.
- Stas's blog: Java bridge methods explained
- java 8 - Do terminal operations close the stream? - StackOverflow
Just Java
- Understanding HotSpot JVM Performance with JITWatch
- jmaloney10/allocation-instrumenter: A Java agent that rewrites bytecode to instrument allocation sites
- G1GC Fundamentals: Lessons from Taming Garbage Collection
- Tuning Java Garbage Collection for Apache Spark Applications - The Databricks Blog
- Modern garbage collection – Medium
- Modern Garbage Collection (good article) - Google Groups
- Java Debuggers: A Peek Under the Hood - YouTube
- ModRun: Modularity for Java — Without Jigsaw - DZone Java - comments are more fun
- Java Image Processing Survival Guide - Siegfried Göschl & Harald Kuhr on Vimeo
- Java Enums to Be Enhanced with Sharper Type Support
- The JVM is not that heavy - Open Sourcery
- Java 8: New features in ConcurrentHashMap
- Why I moved from Java to Dart
- Reflection vs Encapsulation in the Java Module System
- CMS to G1
- Move from ByteBuffer to Memory · Issue #3892 · druid-io/druid
- netty - What is the best way to implement an HTTP2 servlet in Jetty? - StackOverflow
- How does the default hashCode() work?
- JDK-8164293 HotSpot leaking memory in long-running requests - Java Bug System
- YOW! Connected 2016 Mike Gouline - Kotlin: The Pragmatic Language for Android YouTube
- Elazar Leibovich on Twitter: "@giltene @shipilev your wish is my command! 100MB of Virtual memory, six seconds, but YMMV"
- Java Papers - Low Level Bits
- JEP draft: Epsilon GC: The Arbitrarily Low Overhead Garbage(Non-)Collector
- Processing a Trillion Rows Per Second on a Single Machine: How Can Nested Loop Joins be this Fast? - The Databricks Blog
General and/or fun
- The Practical Dev on Twitter: "Chapter 1: Databases with cool-sounding names"
- Sarah Drasner on Twitter: "If you don't want your screenshots to clutter up your desktop and make you look disorganized: (mac)"
- How the Circle Line rogue train was caught with data
- Mario Fusco on Twitter: "IT jobs explained with a broken lightbulb"
- How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
- Brilliant Ads on Twitter: "The difference between PR, marketing, advertising and branding"
- The Art of Readable Code
- How do I keep my Git fork up to date? - YouTube
- GitFlow considered harmful | End of Line Blog