Hi there! Here's some tech reading for you to enjoy (As usual, a hat tip to Youtube, Hacker News and Twitter feeds, which are my usual sources).
Tag(s) |
Link |
cloud | Cloud Report | AWS Performance | Azure Performance | GCP Performance - YouTube |
cloud | Common failure modes for Kubernetes across cloud providers |
container | Compiling Containers - Dockerfiles, LLVM and BuildKit - Docker Blog |
data | Distributed Tests on Pulsar with Fallout - Pulsar Summit NA 2021 - YouTube |
data | How to implement a database job queue using SKIP LOCKED | Vlad Mihalcea |
data | Jim Tommaney - Databricks - DuckDB: Embedded Analytics with Parallel/Vector/Columnar Performance - YouTube |
data | Kafka Connect Build: Declarative management of connector plugins in Kafka Connect - YouTube |
data | Vladimir Ozerov - Querify Labs - Building Cost-Based Query Optimizers With Apache Calcite - YouTube |
fun,lang | A poor Java developer between a Kotlin fan and a Scala one |
k8s | Did we market Knative wrong? |
k8s | Sponsored Session: Mirantis - Introducing K0s 0.13 and kosctl - YouTube |
kotlin,lang | How we use Kotlin for backend services at Zalando |
lang | Cameron Purdy Explains Ecstasy - A New Cloud Native Environment |
lang | Java 17: Features and Development - Inside Java Newscast #6 - YouTube |
lang | Networking i/o with virtual threads - under the hood – Inside.java |
lang,java | BlockHound: how it works |
lang,java | Memory Tuning a High Throughput Microservice | by Viswanath Kuchibhotla | Jun, 2021 | Flipkart Tech Blog |
lang,java | Reactive isn't Complicated with Vert.x and the new Mutiny APIs - YouTube |
lang,java,data | Sven Ruppert — Hidden pearls for high-performance-persistence in Java - YouTube |
lang,java,k8s | Patch Kubernetes resources in Java using Fabric8 Kubernetes Client | by Rohan Kumar | May, 2021 | ITNEXT |
lang,java,perf | OpenJDK and the Future of Production Profiling – Marcus Hirt |
lang,k8s | Micronaut under the Microscope: Kubernetes - YouTube |
lang,k8s,java | Getting started with Java Serverless Functions using Quarkus and AWS Lambda - DZone Java |
lang,k8s,java | Write a kubectl plugin in Java with jbang and fabric8 - DEV Community |
lang,rust | Why the future of the cloud will be built on Rust - Oliver Gould, Buoyant - YouTube |
system | Building Large Scale Distributed Systems: An Interview with Tudor Bosman - YouTube |
system | High Throughput with Low Resource Usage: A Logging Journey - Eduardo Silva, Calyptia - YouTube |
system | Kubernetes Challenge Solved by N26 Engineering Team — N26 Europe |
system | Preparing to Issue 200 Million Certificates in 24 Hours - Let's Encrypt |
system | Steps I took to troubleshoot a full disk |
Until next time!