Saturday, January 06, 2024

New year 2024 tech reading

Hi there! Wish you a Happy New Year! Here's some tech reading (As usual, a hat tip to Hacker News, Reddit and Twitter feeds, which are my usual sources).

Tag(s)                  Link
cloudHow fast is CloudTrail today? Investigating CloudTrail delays using Athena
cloudThe Big Cloud Exit FAQ
cloudre:Invent 2023 recap - Chris Farris
dataAWS re:Invent 2023 - Netflix’s journey to an Apache Iceberg–only data lake (NFX306) - YouTube
dataBuild a BLAZINGLY FAST key-value store with Rust | Tung Le Vo
dataClickHouse is in the house | by Zeev Feldbeine | Vimeo Engineering Blog
dataClickhouse - Everything you should know about materialized views
dataHow we built vector search in the cloud. - YouTube
dataIntro to Proton: A Single Binary for Streaming and Historical Analysis - YouTube
dataIntroducing pgroll: zero-downtime, reversible, schema migrations for Postgres
dataIntroduction to Apache Doris: A Next Generation Real-Time Data Warehouse - YouTube
dataSpirit | More Resilient MySQL Schema Changes at Scale
dataStreaming Machine Learning with Flink, Pulsar & Iceberg - Pulsar Summit NA 2023 - YouTube
dataTransitioning to Trino - Lyft at Trino Summit 2023 - YouTube
dataTrying chDB, an embeddable ClickHouse engine
dataUnderstanding Parquet, Iceberg and Data Lakehouses at Broad
dataYeeting over 30k messages per second on Postgres with Tembo MQ | Tembo
dataclickhouse-local vs DuckDB on Two Billion Rows of Costs
data,systemInherent race in cache invalidation - Starburst at Trino Summit 2023 - YouTube
data,systemSome highlights from "Achieving scale with Amazon Aurora Limitless Database" with David Wein and Christopher Heim
javaAnnouncing jox: Fast and Scalable Channels in Java
javaAnother VS Code Extension For Java ? - YouTube
javaBenchmark JDBC connectors and Java 21 virtual threads | MariaDB
javaCarl's Blog: Accidental Class Loading in Java
javaDemystifying Virtual Thread Performance: Unveiling the Truth Beyond the Buzz - DZone
javaFrom C to Java Code using Panama | Mostly nerdless
javaGetting Started with Generational ZGC - YouTube
javaHello eBPF: Developing eBPF Apps in Java (1) - Mostly nerdlessMostly nerdless
javaHow Project Valhalla And JSpecify Can Kill NPEs - YouTube
javaJDK 21: The GCs keep getting better
javaJVM Anatomy 101 - YouTube
javaJava 22 Unpacking - Inside Java Newscast #59 - YouTube
javaJava Scoped Values: Better ThreadLocals ·
javaJava, null, and JSpecify - YouTube
javaJupyter Notebooks and Java? - JVM Advent
javaProject Leyden By Brian Goetz - YouTube
javaThe One Billion Row Challenge - Gunnar Morling
javaTracking Java Native Memory With JDK Flight Recorder - Gunnar Morling
javaUnderstanding Request Latency with Profiling | Richard Startin’s Blog
javaUnleash the Power of Open-Source Java Profilers | Johannes Bechberger (EN) - YouTube
javaYour Java Application Is Slow? Check Out These Open-Source Profilers - YouTube
java,dataBuilding a faster hash table for high performance SQL joins | QuestDB
java,data,annApache Lucene 9.9, the fastest Lucene release ever — Elastic Search Labs
java,funIntelliJ Tip - Custom Project Icon
java,k8sJava Performance on Kubernetes | Carlos Barragan (EN) - YouTube
java,k8sTestcontainers: The Simplest Way to Test Kubernetes Operators - AtomicJar
java,observabilityProfiler plugin for IntelliJ based on JFR and async-profiler
java,observabilityPromCon 2023 - Prometheus Java Client 1.0.0 - YouTube
java,systemBoosting Performance in Apache Pulsar 3.0 and Beyond - Pulsar Summit NA 2023 - YouTube
java,systemJava API Performance Improvements | RocksDB
java,wasmA Return to WebAssembly for the Java Geek - JVM Advent
k8sWhy You Should Keep Using CPU Limits on Kubernetes | by Denilson Nastacio | Medium
k8seBPF - Kubernetes Network Security without the Blind Sides! - YouTube
observabilityOpenTelemetry Tools You Should Never Leave the House Without - YouTube
observabilityPromCon 2023 - Learning From Mistakes – Choosing the Right Metrics for Prometheus Alerting - YouTube
observabilityPromCon 2023 - Towards making Prometheus OpenTelemetry native - YouTube
rustAsync Rust in Practice: Performance, Pitfalls, Profiling
rustIncremental Rust builds in CI - Earthly Blog
rust`for await` and the battle of buffered streams - Tyler Mandry
security,k8sIceKube: Finding complex attack paths in Kubernetes clusters | WithSecure™ Labs
security,k8sSecurity Showdown: The Overconfident Operator Vs the Nefarious N... Whitney Lee & Lewis Denham-Parry - YouTube
security,k8s,cloudDeep dive into the new Amazon EKS Cluster Access Management features | Datadog Security Labs
systemBuilding Streaming on S3 - YouTube
systemEnd to End Secure Deployment: Safeguard Data Flow & Protect Against Threats - Pulsar Summit NA 2023 - YouTube
systemLiveGraph - Scaling Real-Time Data Access | Braden Walker - YouTube
systemLoad Balancing
systemSolving Espresso’s scalability and performance challenges to support our member base | LinkedIn Engineering
systemWelcome Keynote by Matteo Merli - Pulsar Summit NA 2023 - YouTube
systemZero-Downtime Live Migration of Stateful VMs on Kubernetes - Felicitas Pojtinger, Loophole Labs - YouTube
ui,systemScaling Dagster’s DAG visualization to handle tens of thousands of assets | Dagster Blog

Until next time!