Sunday, August 11, 2019

Summer 2019 tech reading

Hi there! Here's some tech reading for your Summer break (As usual, a hat tip to Hacker News and Twitter feeds, which are my usual sources).

actorsSebastian Blessing - Run, actor, run - YouTube
benchmarking & statisticsAnalysis Process - Documentation
benchmarking & statisticsBootstrap Sample: Definition, Example - Statistics How To
benchmarking & statisticsComparing Functions - Documentation
benchmarking & statisticsPlots & Graphs - Documentation
benchmarking & statisticsStatistical Formulas For Programmers – Evan Miller
benchmarking & statisticsSummarizing quantitative data | Statistics and probability | Khan Academy
benchmarking & statisticsT-Score vs. Z-Score: What's the Difference? - Statistics How To
benchmarking & statisticsViolin Plot - Learn about this chart and tools to create it
dataAn Open Source, Cloud Native Database CNDB - YouTube
dataBrave Improves Its Ad-Blocker Performance by 69x with New Engine Implementation in Rust | Brave Browser
dataElasticsearch Distributed Consistency Principles Analysis (3) - Data - Alibaba Cloud Community
dataElasticsearch Survival Guide for Developers
dataFloating on a RAFT: HBase Durability with Apache Ratis - YouTube
dataHow John Deere uses Flink to process millions of sensor measurements per second - Ververica
dataJepsen: TiDB 2.1.7
dataLive Free or Dichotomize - Using AWK and R to parse 25tb
dataMonitorama PDX 2019 - Joe Ross - Statistical Aspects of Distributed Tracing on Vimeo
dataOpensource Column Store Databases: MariaDB ColumnStore vs, ClickHouse - YouTube
dataReal-time Analytics at PayPal - YouTube
dataWes McKinney: Ursa Labs and Apache Arrow in 2019 | PyData Miami 2019 - YouTube
data,javaDistributed Locks are Dead; Long Live Distributed Locks! | Hazelcast
data,javaHazelcast CP Subsystem | Dynamic Raft groups
dockerStories of My Experiments with "Distroless" Containers
dockerTips and Tricks of the Docker Captains - YouTube
fun!!Con 2019 - Do Parsers Dream of Electric Guitars?! by Ju Liu - YouTube
fun!!Con 2019 - Speling werds egspressively with rrkurrent nuril nedwirques! by Allison Parrish - YouTube
fun!!Con 2019 - You Won’t Believe This One Weird CPU Instruction! by Vaibhav Sagar - YouTube
funA Complete Waste of Time - Chet Haase - YouTube
funBarbara Oakley: "Learning How to Learn" | Talks at Google - YouTube
funInternet Outrage Caused by Verizon Shows How Fragile the Internet Routing Is
funOne Moment Stopped Technology Ruining my Life – Hacker Noon
funSREcon19 Asia/Pacific - Use Interview Skills of Accident Investigators... - YouTube
funTen Ways to Hack Your Brain to Write Fluently by Dan Allen - YouTube
funYAML Considered Harmful - Philipp Krenn - YouTube
funYour Team as a Distributed System - Voxxed Days Singapore 2019 - YouTube
gitops,k8sWhy did we ditch Jenkins for Argo? – KintoHub
goUnderstanding real-world concurrency bugs in Go – the morning paper
go,systemGracefully Restarting a Go Program Without Downtime
graphqlExploring GraphQL-Braid: Leaving RESTish world and building a distributed GraphQL system - YouTube
grpcHow to eat the gRPC cake and have it too! – Argo Project
java@IndeedEng Presents: Moving to gRPC Java - YouTube
javaA categorized list of all Java and JVM features since JDK 8 - Advanced Web Machinery
javaA faster alternative to Java Reflection - - Medium
javaBerlin Buzzwords 2019: Michael Sokolov/Mike McCandless–E-Commerce search at scale on Apache Lucene - YouTube
javaEncountering false positives with newer versions of Guava that use @NullableDecl · Issue #621 · spotbugs/spotbugs
javaGeeCON 2019: Ensar Basri Kahveci - java.util.concurrent for Distributed Coordination - YouTube
javaGeeCON 2019: Norman Maurer - Netty 5 - Lessons learned - YouTube
javaGeeCON 2019: Sergei Egorov - Testcontainers: a year-in-review - YouTube
javaIntroduction to Micronaut - JBCNConf 2019
javaJava, Today and Tomorrow by Mark Reinhold - YouTube
javaLockSupport.parkNanos() Under the Hood and the Curious Case of Parking | Hazelcast
javaLombok 1.16.20 and Jackson 2.9.4 produces Jackson MismatchedInputException · Issue #1612 · rzwitserloot/lombok
javaMaking it rain: Truly Cloud Native JVM Applications. Justin Lee, Red Hat. - YouTube
javaMigrate off of jsr305 · Issue #2960 · google/guava
javaNew opportunities for Java developers with GraalVM. Alina Yurenko, Oracle - YouTube
javaNovel Algos and Optimizations in JCTools Concurrent Queues
javaNuking Nasty Memory Leaks by Pierre-Yves Ricau - YouTube
javaOpenJDK Java sources
javaReal-world HTTP performance benchmarking, lessons learned - Julien Viet - YouTube
javaSREcon19 Asia/Pacific - Tuning Java's G1 Garbage Collector for Realtime Services - YouTube
javaServerless Java Challenges and Triumphs - YouTube
javaShenandoah GC in JDK 13, Part 1: Load reference barriers - Red Hat Developer Blog
javaShenandoah GC in production: experience report - Clojure Goes Fast
javaWriting cleancode withmodern Java. Miro Cupak, Dnastack - YouTube
java[VDM19] Asciidoctor: because writing docs does not have to suck by Adres Almiray - YouTube
java[concurrency-interest] non-volatile writes and reachability
java,dataRiding the CP Subsystem | Hazelcast
java,dockerDocker containers & java - Google Slides
java,funGeeCON 2019: Tomasz Nurkiewicz - CharBusters - 10 Unicode Myths - YouTube
java,lambdaAnonymous inner classes and memory leaks · Issue #5107 · ReactiveX/RxJava
java,lambdaBeware of Functional Programming in Java! – Java, SQL and jOOQ.
java,lambdaJava 8 Lambda Limitations: Closures - DZone Java
java,lambdaLambdas and implicit references to the instance of the enclosing class - Support - Kotlin Discussions
java,lambdaWhat you need to know about Java 8 method references — Exploits of a Programmer | Vicky Chijwani
java,lambdajava 8 - Do Java8 lambdas maintain a reference to their enclosing instance like anonymous classes? - Stack Overflow
k8s7 Tips and Tricks to Enjoying Your Kubernetes Journey - YouTube
k8sDevelop Hundreds of Kubernetes Services at Scale with Airbnb - YouTube
k8sFrom Snowflake Servers to Snowflake Clusters - The GitOps Journey - Allison Richardet - YouTube
k8sSpark scheduling in Kubernetes - Palantir Blog - Medium
k8sThe Horrors of Upgrading Etcd Beneath Kubernetes
k8sThe Kubernetes Kustomize KEP Kerfuffle
k8sThe State of Kubernetes Configuration Management – Argo Project
k8sThe clusterf*** hidden in the Kubernetes code base - YouTube
k8sThe full-time job of keeping up with Kubernetes
kafkaHow To Fail At Kafka by Peter Godfrey - YouTube
kotlinKotlin Under the Covers - Chet Haase - YouTube
monitoringOpenTelemetry: Backwards Compatibility with... - Ben Sigelman, Bogdan Drutu & Spiros Xanthos - YouTube
rustIntroducing rust-prometheus How Rust makes metrics safe and fast - YouTube
rust,systemRustFest Paris 2018: Building Reliable Infrastructure in Rust by Tyler Neely - YouTube
systemDeep Dive into firecracker-containerd - YouTube
systemDetails of the Cloudflare outage on July 2, 2019
systemFinding a Single Bit Error from an Infinite Loop in our Consistency Checker
systemFrom Docker Container to Bootable Linux Disk Image
systemIntro: Open Policy Agent - Torin Sandall, Styra - YouTube
systemLightning Talk: How We Use Istio and OPA for Authorization - Lin Tao, HP - YouTube
systemOptimizing M3: How Uber Halved Our Metrics Ingestion Latency by (Briefly) Forking the Go Compiler | Uber Engineering Blog
systemPaper: Parsing Gigabytes of JSON per Second – Branch Free
systemResilient service-to-service calls in a post-Hystrix world - Rares Musina - YouTube
systemScaling Push Messaging for Millions of Devices @Netflix - YouTube
systemStack History: A Timeline of Slack's Tech Stack Evolution | StackShare
systemThe Survival Guide to Modern Apps AuthN and AuthZ specs - Boleslaw Dawidowicz - YouTube
systemUse mmap With Care - News - Sublime HQ
systemWhy Ice Lake is Important (a bit-basher’s perspective) – Branch Free

Until next time!