ann,jvm | Gradle 7.5 Release Highlights - YouTube |
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cloud,security | Incident Response in AWS - Chris Farris |
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cloud,security | Stop Guessing and Start Proving: Demystifying AWS Zelkova - Kaushik Devireddy - YouTube |
cloud,security | The True Power of AWS Tags - Yoav Yanilov & Itamar Bareket - YouTube |
data | Beam Summit 2022 - Beam as a High-Performance Compute Grid - YouTube |
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data,ann | Where's this journey taking us, What's next for Cassandra… | Apache Cassandra World Party 2022 - YouTube |
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fun,system | RubyConf 2021 - Some Assembly Required by Aaron Patterson - YouTube |
java | Concurrent Marking in G1 |
java | Data-Oriented Programming - Inside Java Newscast #29 - YouTube |
java | Java 19 in Action - Inside Java Newscast #33 - YouTube |
java | Java 8 to 18: Most important changes in the Java Platform - YouTube |
java | Local Class Improvements - YouTube |
java | Panama: Not-so-Foreign Memory. Using MemorySegment as a high-performance ByteBuffer replacement. |
java | Performance Tuning of the Hazelcast SQL Engine | Hazelcast |
jvm | Groovy: Solving cryptarithmetic puzzles with Groovy and constraint programming using Choco, JaCoP, and OR-Tools |
jvm,ann | Helidon 3.0 is released. After two years of development, the… | by Dmitry Kornilov | Helidon | Jul, 2022 | Medium |
jvm,ann | Micronaut Framework 3.6.0 Released! - Micronaut Framework |
jvm,ann,data | Trino | A decade of query engine innovation |
k8s | Getting Started With Ephemeral Containers MetalBear |
k8s,ann | Kubernetes v1.25: Combiner | Kubernetes |
k8s,fun | Kubernetes - Seinfeld |
life | A space industry expert on how women are discouraged from pursuing STEM |
life | RubyConf 2021 - Reframing Shame & Embracing Mistakes by Jameson Hampton - YouTube |
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security | BSidesSF 2020 - Graph Based Detection and Response with Grapl (Colin O'Brien) - YouTube |
security,cloud | A Tacky Graph and Listless Defenders: Looking Beneath the Attack Surface - Jasmine Henry - YouTube |
security,cloud | AWS re:Inforce 2022 - Using graphs for security operations insights (sponsored by Wiz) (DEM224-S) - YouTube |
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security,cloud | Everything you never wanted to know about flow logs - Daniel Wyleczuk-Stern - YouTube |
system | How we clone a running VM in 2 seconds - CodeSandbox Blog |
system | Serving Netflix Video Traffic at 400Gb/s and Beyond |