data | Bixby, Samsung's Voice Assistant From Keyword to Intention Recognition - Miren Urteaga Aldalur - YouTube |
data | Eric Dill: Is Spark still relevant? Multi-node CPU and single-node GPU workloads.. | PyData NYC 2019 - YouTube |
data | Flink’s New Batch Architecture - Till Rohrmann & Ma Guowei - YouTube |
data | Help, my Kafka is broken! - Confluent |
data | Machine Learning using Kubeflow and Kubernetes by Arun Gupta - YouTube |
data | Optimal Shard Placement in a Petabyte Scale Elasticsearch Cluster - Meltwater Engineering Blog |
data | PostgreSQL at low level: stay curious! · Erthalion's blog |
data | Static Membership: Rebalance Strategy Designed for the Cloud - Confluent |
data | Video Analytics for Football games by Sven Degroote - YouTube |
data | Zeotap: Moving to Scylla - A Graph of Billions Scale - YouTube |
data,queue | Postgres Job Queues & Failure By MVCC — Brandur Leach |
data,queue | What is SKIP LOCKED for in PostgreSQL 9.5? - 2ndQuadrant | PostgreSQL |
docker,java,k8s | Speedy build for your java application images with JIB! by Mohammed Aboullaite - YouTube |
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fun | Eating a Bureaucracy One Bite at a Time with DevOps - Mark Schwartz - YouTube |
fun | From MaxScore to Block-Max WAND: The Story of How Lucene Significantly Improved Query Evaluation Performance |
fun | GOTO 2019 • Prioritizing Technical Debt as if Time and Money Matters • Adam Tornhill - YouTube |
fun | RubyConf 2019 - Creating AR Apps with RubyMotion by Lori Olson - YouTube |
fun | Top Tips for Terrible Tech Talks by Chet Haase - YouTube |
fun,java | Always Be Running - Long Running and Fault Tolerant Java Services - YouTube |
golang | How we optimized our DNS server using go tools - Arash Cordi - Medium |
golang | Why are my Go executable files so large? | Cockroach Labs |
java | A New Age of JVM Garbage Collectors - Alexander Yakushev - YouTube |
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java | Beyond ByteBuffers by Brian Goetz - YouTube |
java | GOTO 2019 • Disrupting QA – Emerging Trends in Code Quality Automation • Stephen Magill - YouTube |
java | GeeCON Prague 2019: Dmitry Kornilov - Building cloud-native microservices with project Helidon - YouTube |
java | Memory footprint of a Java process by Andrei Pangin - YouTube |
java | Micronaut Deep Dive by Graeme Rocher - YouTube |
java | Modern web with Web Components and Java by Leif Åstrand - YouTube |
java | Records Come to Java |
java | Sébastien Blanc — Building an effective identity and access management architecture with Keycloak - YouTube |
java,k8s | From Containers to Kubernetes Operators // Philipp Krenn | |
java,k8s | Practical Way to Build Kubernetes Native Java Controller - Zibo He & Min Jin, Ant Financial - YouTube |
java,k8s | Writing a Kubernetes Operator in Java by Fabian Stäber - YouTube |
k8s | Building in compliance in your CI/CD pipeline with conftest · |
k8s | GOTO 2019 • Why I love Kubernetes Failure Stories and You Should Too • Henning Jacobs - YouTube |
k8s | Inject secrets directly into Pods from Vault revisited · Banzai Cloud |
k8s | K3s Under the Hood: Building a Product-grade Lightweight Kubernetes Distro - Darren Shepherd - YouTube |
k8s | Lightning Talk: Boosting Your kubectl Productivity - Mauricio Salatino, LearnK8s - YouTube |
k8s | Lightning Talk: Is Your Kubernetes Cluster's DNS Working? - Jonathan Perry, Flowmill - YouTube |
k8s | Making kubectl plugins mainstream - Speaker Deck |
rust | An unholy fusion of Rust and C++ in physx-rs (Stockholm Rust Meetup, October 2019) - YouTube |
rust | How To Write Fast Rust Code |
rust | Parsing logs 230x faster with Rust |
rust | Smoke-testing Rust HTTP clients - Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff - Medium |
rust | The Talk You've Been Await-ing for - YouTube |
rust,system | A Little Story About the `yes` Unix Command | Matthias Endler |
system | Intelligent DNS based load balancing at Dropbox | Dropbox Tech Blog |
system | LISA19 - Creating a Distributed Round Robin Scheduler with Etcd - YouTube |
system | Parsing JSON Really Quickly: Lessons Learned - YouTube |
system | Signal >> Blog >> Technology Preview for secure value recovery |
system | The $10m engineering problem · Segment Blog |
system | The Fascinating World of Linux System Calls | Sysdig |