I dusted off some Java 8+ Lambda code snippets I had on my Github Gist. I watched a few JVMLS videos this month and found myself struggling to grasp the internals of MethodHandles and everything related. So, I thought I should spend some time at least looking at the code it generates.
Until next time!
Ashwin Jayaprakash.
- Stuff Gil Says: Zing hits the trifecta
- Angular 4 for Java Developers by Yakov Fain - YouTube
- Real World Java 9 by Trisha Gee
- Goodbye PrintGCDetails... and Other JDK 9 Changes!
- How Java 8 Lambdas and Streams Can Make Your Code 5 Times Slower | Takipi Blog
- Vojin Jovanovic Polyglot on the JVM with Graal: One VM for Java, node.js, Ruby, R, and C++! - YouTube
- RxNetty vs Tomcat Performance Results
- Memory mapped files, allocation and JVM crash - MapDB
- Guide - Optimizing Paper - Remove lag spikes, Fix tps & Improve performance! | Aquifer
- Java 9: The Quest for Very Large Heaps by Nida Bouzid - YouTube
- Tracking Down Native Memory Leaks in Elasticsearch | Elastic
- Why does the G1 GC shrink number of regions? - Google Groups
- ctrueden/jrun: Launch Java code from the CLI. No installation, just Maven goodness.
- java - Math.abs returns wrong value for Integer.Min_VALUE - Stack Overflow
Misc tech
- Regex fun
- Regex Tutorial - Possessive Quantifiers
- Infinite loop in regex in java - Stack Overflow
- How to Kill Java with a Regular Expression - DZone Java
- (0*)*A = 00000000000000000: Online regex tester and debugger: PHP, PCRE, Python, Golang and JavaScript
- (0*)*A = 00000000000000000: Java regex tester
- regexp - The Go Programming Language
- Runaway Regular Expressions: Catastrophic Backtracking
- Building Accurate Shipment Schedules: A Sorted Affair
- A dive into spatial search algorithms Vladimir Agafonkin
- Adventures in JIT compilation: Part 3 - LLVM - Eli Bendersky's website
- The PMCs of EC2: Measuring IPC
- IODB storage engine - Input Output
- Fast. Faster. Freak: Why does my code slow down sometimes (and how to find out who's behind all this)?
- CPU Utilization is Wrong
- Two's Complement
- Lin Clark - A Cartoon Intro to Fiber (Read Persistent data structures too)
- Core Concepts · Redux - like Struts on the browser
- ZeroTier | Connect All The Things libstdc++ broken
- Lockfree basics - 1024cores
- Realtime Editing of Ordered Sequences Figma Design
- An alternative approach to rate limiting Figma Design
- Architecting for Failures in Microservices by Bhakti Mehta - YouTube
Distributed systems
- Audience Insights query engine: In-memory integer store for social analytics | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code
- Consensus and Replication in Elasticsearch | Elastic
- Support load balancing with nginx dynamic upstreams · Issue #157 · Mashape/kong
- Amazon Aurora
- Introducing Badger: A fast key-value store written natively in Go - Dgraph Blog
- Beyond 50,000 Partitions: How Heroku Operates and Pushes the Limits of Kafka at Scale - YouTube
- Accordion: HBase Breathes with In-Memory Compaction : Apache HBase
- High-Availability Databases with etcd - Tess Rinearson, Chain - YouTube
- Intuitive Distributed Algorithms with F# - OSCON - Google Slides
- A Developer View into Spark's Memory Model - Wenchen Fan - YouTube
- Terraform Gotchas And How We Work Around Them - Heap Blog
- [cncf-toc] Continued InfraKit Discussion - Terraform vs others](https://lists.cncf.io/pipermail/cncf-toc/2017-June/000982.html)
Misc fun stuff
- Follow the CAPEX: Cloud Table Stakes Platformonomics
- Tad - A Desktop Viewer App for Tabular Data
- Why we are betting against real-time team messaging Ten Timezones
- Go 2