Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Holiday 2017 reading

Hi folks, a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Here's a big list of tech videos and articles that I've been bookmarking for a while.





General tech/Systems



Semantic versioning


Until next time!
Ashwin Jayaprakash.

Sunday, November 05, 2017

Fall 2017 tech reading

Hi folks, a belated Happy Halloween to you! Here's a small list of tech videos and Java articles that I thought were worth sharing.

Tech videos


Java 9 and issues

Go and other languages

Until next time! Ashwin Jayaprakash.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Mini experiments with Java lambdas

I dusted off some Java 8+ Lambda code snippets I had on my Github Gist. I watched a few JVMLS videos this month and found myself struggling to grasp the internals of MethodHandles and everything related.  So, I thought I should spend some time at least looking at the code it generates.

Until next time!
Ashwin Jayaprakash.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

2017 late summer tech reading

Hi folks, here's some late summer reading if you are not busy watching TV!


Misc tech

Distributed systems

Misc fun stuff

Until next time! Ashwin Jayaprakash.

Monday, May 01, 2017

More Spring reading

Hi folks, here's a nice, juicy reading list for that rainy Saturday afternoon. Well... it has stopped raining here but that should not stop you from reading!


Slightly more hard core Java

Java in the future

A little bit of non-Java


Systems, data stores and more

Time series

Some fun stuff

Until next time! Ashwin.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Spring 2017 tech reading

Hello and a belated happy new year to you! Here's another big list of articles I thought was worth sharing. As always thanks to the authors who wrote these articles and to the people who shared them on Twitter/HackerNews/etc.

Distributed systems (and even plain systems)


SQL lateral view

Docker and containers

Science and math


Java streams and reactive systems

Java Lambdas

Just Java

General and/or fun

Until next time!