- Debugging an evil Go runtime bug -
- KotlinConf 2017 - Building Languages Using Kotlin by Federico Tomassetti - YouTube
- KotlinConf 2017 - Introduction to Coroutines by Roman Elizarov - YouTube
- KotlinConf 2017 - Lessons Learned Building a Build Tool by Cedric Beust - YouTube
- So, what's wrong with SBT?
- Understanding Go panic output – joe shaw
- [JDK-6432031] Add support for SO_REUSEPORT - Java Bug System
- [JDK-8164900] Add support for O_DIRECT - Java Bug System
- Asynchronous API with CompletableFuture: Performance Tips and Tricks - YouTube
- Automatic FlameGraph generation from JMH Benchmarks using (SBT) JMH Extras (plain Java too)
- Disruptive Changes to GC Logging in Java 9 - DZone Java
- DnsNameResolver hangs for 5 seconds in InetAddress.getAllByName0 on Mac OSX · Issue #6454 · netty/netty
- Hawt and spicy Java monitoring : Martin Skarsaune on Vimeo
- It’s Java, but Not As We Know It - YouTube
- Java Magazine, September/October 2017: Java 9 Optionals and CompletableFutures
- Journey’s End: Collection and Reduction in the Streams API - YouTube
- JVM detection of thread at safepoint - Google Groups
- MacOS Sierra problems with getLocalHost() – Plumbr
- Matthew Gilliard's blog || Introduction to jlink
- My daily Java: Dismantling invokedynamic
- Shenandoah: The Garbage Collector That Could by Aleksey Shipilev - YouTube
- Switch translation, part 1
- Understanding How Graal Works - a Java JIT Compiler Written in Java
- Async IO on Linux: select, poll, and epoll - Julia Evans
- Linux IO internals for database administrators - YouTube
- Operating a Kubernetes network - Julia Evans
- Strange to see a worker pool with channels - A Million WebSockets and Go – freeCodeCamp
- The method to epoll’s madness – Cindy Sridharan – Medium
- Transparent Hugepages: measuring the performance impact - The mole is digging
- Applied Distributed Research in Apache Cassandra
- Badger vs LMDB vs BoltDB: Benchmarking key-value databases in Go - Dgraph Blog
- Cassandra on RocksDB experiment result - Google Docs
- Cluster Schedulers – Cindy Sridharan – Medium
- Cosette, a SQL solver for automatically checking semantic equivalences of SQL queries
- DBMS Musings: Apache Arrow vs. Parquet and ORC: Do we really need a third Apache project for columnar data representation?
- Exactly Once Delivery and Transactional Messaging in Kafka - Google Docs
- Exactly-once Semantics is Possible: Here's How Apache Kafka Does it
- How and Why Prometheus' New Storage Engine Pushes the Limits of Time Series Databases - YouTube
- How should you build a high-performance column store for the 2020s? – Daniel Lemire's blog
- Implementing Raft in RabbitMQ - Michael Klishin, Karl Nilsson - YouTube
- Introduction to Reed-Solomon – Vivint Innovation Center
- Jepsen: Hazelcast 3.8.3
- Making Badger Crash Resilient with ALICE - Dgraph Blog
- Making Gossip More Robust with Lifeguard | HashiCorp
- orc-user mailing list : Why is Apache Orc RecordReader.searchArgument() not filtering correctly?
- Predictive Maintenance with Apache Flink - Dongwon Kim (SK telecom) - YouTube
- Protocol Buffers: Encoding and Message Structure – Sigmainfy – Learn, Share and Inspire
- Scaling your time series data with Newts - YouTube
- Somewhat funky hyper optimizations - Faster TopN historical processing and more metrics · Issue #3798 · druid-io/druid
- Top speed for top-k queries – Daniel Lemire's blog Using Bitmaps to Perform Range Queries - Pilosa
General tech/Systems
- Docker and S6 – My New Favorite Process Supervisor | Tutum Blog
- Hardcore Container Debugging | Oracle Developers Blog
- Linux Namespaces and Go Don't Mix
- SoftwareMill blog: Evaluating persistent, replicated message queues
- Writing a Really, Really Fast JSON Parser – Chad Austin
- 12 Stories Every Architect Should Know : Neal Ford on Vimeo
- Correct Error Handling is Hard – Hacker Noon
- dotCSS 2017 - Tim Carry - Building a search engine in CSS - YouTube
- Google - Site Reliability Engineering
- Creating a Modern OCR Pipeline Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning
- DNS for Service Discovery in HAProxy - HAProxy Technologies
- adohe/kube2haproxy: High Availability HAProxy auto configuration and auto service discovery for Kubernetes.
- How to: Secure Connected Microservices in Spring Boot with OAuth and JWTs
- What the Heck is OAuth? | Stormpath
- Protecting a Spring Boot App with Apache Shiro | Okta Developer
- Secure a Spring Microservices Architecture with Spring Security, JWTs, Juiser, and Okta
- juiser/juiser: Java Token Authentication Made Easy
- Advanced Microservices Security with Spring and OAuth2 - DZone Security
- Security for Microservices with Spring
Semantic versioning
- How does maven sort version numbers? - Stack Overflow
- Apache Maven Enforcer Built-In Rules – Version Range Specification
- vdurmont/semver4j: Semantic versioning for Java apps.
- Upcoming changes to Guava releases - Google Groups
- Moving Java Forward Faster | Mark Reinhold
- Conference call bingo Footprints — Geek&Poke
- Open Source Business Model is Under Siege -- Insights from Paul Dix
- Optimizing impact: why I will not start an Envoy platform company
- Quincy Larson on Twitter: "Trying to code when chat's open
- Zeh Fernando Caneiro on Twitter: "As a junior coder ..."
- A beginner's guide to many-to-many relationships – Airtable - Support
- Phil Calçado on Twitter: "Working for infrastructure startups in 2017 Expectation
- "The Truth About Mentoring Minorities" by Byron Woodfork - YouTube
- Redis PSYNC2 bug post mortem - <antirez>
- Carol Dweck: "The Growth Mindset" | Talks at Google - YouTube
- GOTO 2017 • Stress & Depression – a Taboo in our Time • Gitte Klitgaard - YouTube
Ashwin Jayaprakash.