Saturday, April 27, 2019

Spring 2019 tech reading

Hi there! Here's some tech reading for your Spring break (As usual, a hat tip to Hacker News and Twitter feeds, which are my usual sources).

data1.1 Billion Taxi Rides: Spark 2.4.0 versus Presto 0.214
data40x faster hash joiner with vectorized execution | Cockroach Labs
dataA new era for cluster coordination in Elasticsearch | Elastic
dataAccessing S3 data through SQL with Presto – Albert Franzi – Medium
dataCockroachDB's Consistency Model | Cockroach Labs
dataFoundationDB Record Layer: A Multi-Tenant Structured Datastore - record-layer-paper.pdf
dataFrom Zero to Portability Apache Beam's Journey to Cross-Language Data Processing - YouTube
dataFuture of FoundationDB Storage Engines - Steve Atherton, Apple - YouTube
dataGrant McAlister: Aurora PostgreSQL -- PGCon 2018 - YouTube
dataJOIN 2017 - The Past, Present, and Future of the Data Landscape - YouTube
dataJepsen: YugaByte DB 1.1.9
dataLFU cache optiization - Sripathi Krishnan Redis Day
dataQuery Parquet files in SQLite
dataQuerying Big Data in Real-Time with Presto & Grab's TalariaDB
dataRun Numba functions in SQLite: WTF? - Phillip Cloud - YouTube
dataRust and Tell February 2019: Jan Stępień - That Looks Oddly Familiar - YouTube
dataVlad Mihalcea - Transactions and Concurrency Control Patterns - YouTube
dataWhat happens when Redis runs out of memory -Elena Kolevska Redis Day (Great to see a parent bring their child to a conference!)
data,rustWriting Redis modules in Rust: Gavrie Philipson Redis Day Tel Aviv 2019 - YouTube
funAdded Sugar in Breakfast | Consumer Reports - YouTube
funCool Chrome DevTools tips and tricks you wish you knew already
funDOES17 San Francisco - Lightning Talk - To Change Minds, Change Words - Paula Thrasher - YouTube
funHome | Laws of UX
funJames Shore: Bjorn Freeman-Benson: Three Challenges of Distributed Teams
funLightning Talk: The Seven Horses of Abductive Reasoning - C.A. Corriere - YouTube
funLightning Talk: There Are No SIDE Projects - Michael Winslow - YouTube
funNapoleon, DevOps, and Delivering Business Value - Mark Schwartz - YouTube
funShouting in the Datacenter - YouTube
funSimon Kuestenmacher on Twitter: "Just discovered my new favourite office meme...… "
funTesla Autonomy Day - YouTube
funThe Business of Grafana - YouTube
funTraversalConf 2019: Cultivating Instinct by Katrina Owen - YouTube
funWhy Google Needed a Graph Serving System - Dgraph Blog
fun,uiScrape any Website/Service/API with a single SQL Select Statement
fun,workWorking on Distributed Teams at Mozilla - YouTube
grpcGo. REST or gRPC – Mad Devs
grpcTranscoding gRPC to HTTP JSON using Envoy
grpcgrpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway: gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec
javaA categorized list of all Java and JVM features since JDK 8 - Advanced Web Machinery
javaByte Code Field Report - YouTube
javaChaining lambda optimizations in HotSpot VM and GraalVM – Ionuț Baloșin
javaException Handling in Java Streams - DZone Java
javaFun with `var` in Java 11 - YouTube
javaGraalVM: Run Programs Faster Everywhere - YouTube
javaHome - SDKMAN! the Software Development Kit Manager
javaJDK11 - Introduction to JDK Flight Recorder - YouTube
javaJava Checkpoint/Restore - YouTube
javaJava in a World of Containers - YouTube
javaLambda Expressions (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Classes and Objects)
javaLong time to safepoint - Google Groups
javaMiGz for Compression and Decompression | LinkedIn Engineering
javaNested Classes tutorial
javaQuarking Drools: How we turned a 13-year-old Java project into a first-class serverless component - Red Hat Developer Blog
javaReplace FileStream with Files.newStream by pettyjamesm · Pull Request #12614 · prestodb/presto
javaStartup Challenges, Part II - YouTube
javaState of OpenJDK - YouTube
javaThe Missing Benchmark Metric: Memory Consumption - YouTube
javaVariance in Java – George Aristy
java[JavaSpecialists 266] - Threading Questions in Job Interviews (2/2)
java[VDZ19] 10 Reasons Why we Love Some APIs and Why we Hate Some Others by Lukas Eder - YouTube
java,graalGOTO 2018 • GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere • Oleg Šelajev - YouTube
java,perfAuto-tuning the JVM – Malith Jayasinghe – Medium
java,perfAutomated Tuning of the JVM with Bayesian Optimization - YouTube
java,sysTCP Three-Way Handshake – Hacker Noon
k8sKelsey Hightower on Twitter: "I'm always going to recommend people exercise extreme caution when running stateful workloads on Kubernetes. Most people who are asking "can I run stateful workloads on Kubernetes" don't have much experience with Kubernetes and often times the workload they are asking about."
k8sPeter Palaga - Apache Camel K: ~1 sec. build and deploy on Kubernetes - YouTube
k8sStop Hitting Yourself! - Michael Russell, Elastic - YouTube
k8s🔎Julia Evans🔍 on Twitter: "how kubernetes can break: networking (this is a big topic and this comic by itself definitely does not do it justice!!)…"
kafkaKafka on Kubernetes—From Evaluation to Production at Intuit
kafkaKafka on ZFS: Better Living Through Filesystems
perfAn Introductory Example of Bayesian Optimization in Python with Hyperopt
rustLock-free Rust: Crossbeam in 2019 |
rustRustLatam 2019 - Florian Gilcher: The Power of the "Where" Clause - YouTube
securityOpen poloicy agent at Netflix
sysCourier: Dropbox migration to gRPC | Dropbox Tech Blog
sysScalability is Quantifiable: The Universal Scalability Law | Data Council NYC '18 - YouTube
sysmkcert: valid HTTPS certificates for localhost
sys,k8sDeep Dive: Linkerd - Oliver Gould, Buoyant - YouTube

Until next time!