1brc,java | 1BRC – Nerd Sniping the Java Community by Roy van Rijn, Gunnar Morling - YouTube |
1brc,java | Pushing Java to the Limits: Processing a Billion Rows in under 2 Seconds by Thomas Wuerthinger - YouTube |
cloud | A First Look at S3 (Iceberg) Tables | Meltware |
data | Argonauts of Data: Building Scalable and Effective Data Pipelin... Satabrata Paul & Nishchith Shetty - YouTube |
data | Charting the Future of Druid - YouTube |
data | Flink Forward Berlin 2024: Scaling Flink: Insights from Running Flink for five Years at Stripe - YouTube |
data | Protecting Reddit Users in Real Time at Scale : r/RedditEng |
data | Scaling Analytics for 10M Experiences - YouTube |
data,system | P99 CONF 2024 | The Next Chapter in the Sordid Love/Hate Relationship Btwn DBs & OSes by Andy Pavlo - YouTube |
ebpf,java | Building a Lightning Fast Firewall with Java & eBPF - OCX 2024 - YouTube |
ebpf,java | Hello eBPF: Control task scheduling with a custom scheduler written in Java (16) - Mostly nerdlessMostly nerdless |
golang,system | P99 CONF 2024 | How a Failed Experiment Helped Me Understand the Go Runtime by Aadhav Vignesh - YouTube |
java | 402CD 8 Introduction to Java Performance Tuning by Sunny Chan - YouTube |
java | A surprising pain point regarding Parallel Java Streams : r/java |
java | Finding Java's Hidden Performance Traps by VICTOR RENTEA - YouTube |
java | How Fast Does Java Compile? :: The Mill JVM Build Tool |
java | Jetty 12 for Jakarta EE 8 - 11 - OCX 2024 - YouTube |
java | Two Overlooked Uses of Enums in Java |
java,system | P99 CONF 2024 | Understanding Request Latency with Wallclock Profiling by Richard Startin - YouTube |
java,wasm | Announcing Chicory 1.0.0-M1: First Milestone Release | Chicory |
k8s | Simplify Stream Data Processing with Declarative, Scalable K8s Native - Numaflow - YouTube |
k8s | An Elephant in the Cluster: Making PostgreSQL Feel at Home on Kubernetes |
k8s | Proper Envoy Shutdown in a Kubernetes World : r/RedditEng |
k8s,ml,system | Advanced Model Serving Techniques with Ray on Kubernetes - Andrew Sy Kim & Kai-Hsun Chen - YouTube |
k8s,system | Goodbye etcd! Running Kubernetes on Distributed PostgreSQL - Denis Magda, Yugabyte - YouTube |
k8s,system | Misadventures in Large Scale Cluster Performance - Shane Corbett, AWS & Dima Ilchenko, Lacework - YouTube |
k8s,system | Thousands of Gamers, One Kubernetes Network - Surya Seetharaman, Red Hat & Girish Moodalbail - YouTube |
misc | #205 CEO Snowflake, Sridhar Ramaswamy: Visibility - Grit | Podcast on Spotify |
ml | #258 Machine Learning for Ride Sharing at Lyft | Rachita Naik, ML Engineer at Lyft - YouTube |
ml,system | Operationalizing High-Performance GPU Clusters in Kubernetes: Lessons Learne... Will Gleich & Wai Wu - YouTube |
observability | Fluent Bit: Better Pipelines for Observability - Eduardo Silva, Chronosphere - YouTube |
observability | Magic industrial data acquisition with Apache PLC4X, TsFile and IoTDB - OCX 2024 - YouTube |
observability | Tracing Service Dependencies at Scale with Druid and Flink - YouTube |
system | Breaking the 1.5MB Barrier: Running Large Metaflow Flows with Argo for AI/ML Workloa... Saurabh Garg - YouTube |
system | DynamoDB in an EDA World • Alex DeBrie • GOTO 2024 - YouTube |
system | Five Principles for Good Systems Design - YouTube |
system | HTTP/3 and QUIC: Who, what, where, when and, WHY? by Robin Marx - YouTube |
system | How ShareChat Scaled their ML Feature Store 1000X without Scaling the Database - ScyllaDB |
system | If not RocksDB, then what? Why SlateDB is the right choice for Stream Processing. |
system | Introducing Netflix’s TimeSeries Data Abstraction Layer | by Netflix Technology Blog | Oct, 2024 | Netflix TechBlog |
system | Migrating to Open Feature at Scale: 0 to Billions - Chetan Kapoor & Justin Abrahms, eBay - YouTube |
system | Netflix’s Distributed Counter Abstraction | by Netflix Technology Blog | Nov, 2024 | Netflix TechBlog |
system | P99 CONF 2024 | Enhancing P99 Latency: Doubling/Tripling Performance by Cristian Velazquez - YouTube |
system | P99 CONF 2024 | Feature Store Evolution Under Cost Constraints by David Malinge & Ivan Burmistrov - YouTube |
system | P99 CONF 2024 | Get Low (Latency) by Benjamin Cane & Tyler Wedin - YouTube |
system | P99 CONF 2024 | Low Latency Gal Presents: Low Latency Stuff by Sonia Kolasinska - YouTube |
system | Scaling the Linear Sync Engine - YouTube |
system | System Jitter and Where to Find It: A Whack-a-Mole Experience - YouTube |
system | Ten Years of AWS Lambda - Marc's Blog |
system | Unexpected benefits of going local-first - Tuomas Artman (Local-First Conf) - YouTube |
system | Using serverless functions for real-time observability - Liz Fong-Jones - CPH DevFest 2024 - YouTube |
wasm | WebAssembly at Google - Thomas Nattestad & Thomas Steiner, Google - YouTube |