About 2 months ago I attended the Cassandra Summit at San Francisco. Yes, I've been meaning to write this blog for a while now. I was surprised (pleasantly) to see such a good turn out. Lot of energy and real world use cases. I didn't get to attend all the talks of course, but all the slides and videos are online. Here are some good ones:
- https://speakerdeck.com/
mheffner/time-series-metrics- with-cassandra - http://www.slideshare.net/
jaykumarpatel/cassandra-data- modeling-best-practices -
SergeyPetrunya/mysqlconf2013- mariadbcassandrainteroperabili ty
- http://vanillajava.blogspot.
com/2013/07/c-like-java-for- low-latency.html - Safepoints, memcpy, and Unsafe.copyMemory
- Mechanically sympathetic Functional Programming (ahem Scala)
com/2012/09/23/why-im-not- leaving-python-for-go/ - http://andrewwdeane.blogspot.
com/2013/05/the-reliability- of-go.html - http://golang.org/doc/faq#
- http://markdownpad.com - for Windows users (paid version can even do tables)
- http://dillinger.io - for in-browser use
- Github's syntax coloring using Bayesian classifiers
- Bayes network for code recommendations
- Markov models - http://pkghosh.wordpress.com/
2013/04/15/smarter-email- marketing-with-markov-model/ - Neural nets - http://blog.forecast.io/
cleaning-radar-images-using- neural-nets-computer-vision/ - A comprehensive path-finding library for grid based games
- (Geo hashing) Slightly old but still a fun encoding scheme
- Search engine basics with cool tools
- Switch statement implementations in C/C++
Scala and Spark related videos:
- Spark Streaming: Fast Distributed Stream Processing with a High-Level API
- Scalable and Flexible Machine Learning with Chris Severs and Vitaly Gordon
- BDB is now AGPL. Out with BDB, in with LMDB
- PG and MySQL driver internals
- The write cache: Swap insanity tome III
- Personalized-Search-on-
the-Largest-Flash-Sale-Site- in-America - Rapid-pruning-of-search-space-through-hierarchical-matching
Until next time!
Another amazing in-browser Markdown editor - http://benweet.github.io/stackedit
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