Sunday, April 03, 2022

Spring 2022 tech reading

Hi there. Here's some tech reading for you to enjoy (As usual, a hat tip to Youtube, Hacker News and Twitter feeds, which are my usual sources).

Tag(s)                  Link
dataDain co-creator of Trino & Presto - YouTube
dataHash, displace, and compress: Perfect hashing with Java | andreinc
dataOpen-source Change Data Capture With Debezium (Gunnar Morling) - YouTube
dataPragmatic Event Sourcing with Pure Functions - Johan Haleby - EventSourcing 2021 - YouTube
dataReinventing Amazon Redshift (Ippokratis Pandis) - YouTube
dataThe Unbundling of Airflow
dataUsing Apache Pulsar as a Modern, Scalable, High Performing JMS Platform - YouTube
dataUsing mcrouter to make memcached highly available in Kubernetes – Flant blog
data,k8sA Tale of Two Distributed Systems: Kubernetes and YugabyteDB - YouTube
data,systemAvoiding Data Hotspots at Scale - YouTube
envThe life cycle of a t-shirt - Angel Chang - YouTube
fun11 CLI tools every developer should know | DevNation Tech Talk - YouTube
jvm,langJDK 18 Security Enhancements
jvm,langNew in JDK 18: Reviewing Enhancements in the Latest JDK Release - YouTube
jvm,testProperty-based testing - let your testing library work for you by Magda Stożek #FnConf 2022 - YouTube
lang,javaCloud native Java microservices with GraalVM | Oleg Šelajev (EN) - YouTube
lang,javaG1: To Infinity and Beyond - YouTube
lang,javaGet Lower Latency and Higher Throughput for Java Applications - YouTube
lang,javaHandling exceptions, the functional way | José Luis León (EN) - YouTube
lang,javaJava records & compact constructors
lang,javaThe arrival of java 18! –
lang,java,dataEvaluating Range Predicates | Richard Startin’s Blog
lang,jvmAWS SDK for Kotlin - YouTube
lang,jvmAll About JDK 18 - Inside Java Newscast #21 - YouTube
lang,jvmDifferentiable Programming in Kotlin - YouTube
lang,jvmHands-on intro to CQRS and Event Sourcing with Axon | Steven van Beelen (EN) - YouTube
lang,jvmKotlin DataFrame: Overview of Basic Operations - YouTube
lang,rustDatadog On Rust - YouTube
lang,rustRust Is Safe. But Is It Fast? - YouTube
lang,rustThings I hate about Rust, redux
lang,rustWhoops! I Rewrote It in Rust - YouTube
productLessons Learned Building a $2 Billion Company from Scratch with Neo4j CEO & Co-Founder Emil Eifrem - YouTube
securityThe 2022 API Security Checklist - YouTube
security,k8sRBAC Explained with Examples
security,k8sYour Kubernetes single-pane of glass with Kubescape - YouTube
systemA Practical Guide to Applying Data-Oriented Design
systemExtreme HTTP Performance Tuning: 1.2M API req/s on a 4 vCPU EC2 Instance - YouTube
systemScaling Apache Pulsar to 10 Petabytes/Day - YouTube

Until next time!