Sunday, May 21, 2023

Mid Spring 2023 tech reading

Hi there! Here's some tech reading as you prepare for your Spring-Summer breaks (As usual, a hat tip to Hacker News, Reddit and Twitter feeds, which are my usual sources).

Tag(s)                  Link
annFluentd and Fluent Bit Project Updates - Eduardo Silva, Calyptia - YouTube
businessInvesting in Systems by Natalie Vais - YouTube
businessMike Perham, Creator of Sidekiq: From Employment to Independence · Code Code Ship
chaosFrom Chaos to Order -- Tools and Techniques for Testing TiDB, A Distributed NewSQL Database | PingCAP
chaos,data,zigTigerStyle! (Or How To Design Safer Systems in Less Time) by Joran Dirk Greef - YouTube
clojure"Clojure in the Fintech Ecosystem" by Philip Cooper - YouTube
clojure"Gaining Constant time Lookup over Unorganized Data" - Ghadi Shayban, Jeb Beich - YouTube
clojure"Growing Data Center networking mgmt UI using ClojureScript, Reagent and re-frame" by Kirill Ishanov - YouTube
clojure"High Performance Clojure" by Chris Nuernberger - YouTube
clojure"How to transfer Clojure goodness to other languages" by Elango Cheran and Timothy Pratley - YouTube
clojure"Unmanned Systems Flight Planning with Clojure" by Heow Goodman - YouTube
clojureNaked Performance (with Clojure) – Tommi Reiman - YouTube
cloudBuilding ClickHouse Cloud From Scratch in a Year
cloud,securityUnderstanding the Integration Between KMS and Secrets Manager on AWS
cloud,securityWhat should you use - CloudQuery or Steampipe? - Chandrapal Badshah
concurrent,javaAlexander Filatov — Java PathFinder: going to Mars without bugs and deadlocks - YouTube
concurrent,kotlinCoroutines Beyond Concurrency by Alex Semin - YouTube
concurrent,rustBlog | Quickwit, Tantivy, Rust, and more. | Quickwit
data10x faster sliding windows: how our Rust streaming engine beats Flink
data22 - DuckDB Internals (CMU Advanced Databases / Spring 2023) - YouTube
dataBig Data is Dead | MotherDuck - YouTube
dataBuilding a streaming incremental view maintenance engine with Calcite - YouTube
dataComparing SQL-based streaming approaches | Georg Heiler
dataDistributed Database Design Decisions to Support High Performance Event Streaming - PulsarSummitSF22 - YouTube
dataHow We Silently Switched Mode’s In-Memory Data Engine to DuckDB To Boost Visual Data Exploration Speed | Mode
dataLakehouse at Fortune 1 Scale. Walmart systems produce one of the… | by Samuel Guleff | Walmart Global Tech Blog | May, 2023 | Medium
dataMaking Moves with Arrow Data: Introducing Arrow Database Connectivity (ADBC) | Voltron Data - YouTube
dataOptimizing SQL Code and Enhancing Data Quality: An In-Depth Guide to SQLFluff and Delta Lake | by Lorin Dawson | May, 2023 | Medium
dataWhy Apache Kafka doesn't need fsync to be safe — Jack Vanlightly
data,rust,streamvmware/database-stream-processor: Streaming and Incremental Computation Framework
fun,javaGet Test Results Programmatically (Incl. Feedback LED) - YouTube
fun,mlCustom Controls with GPT | Complete Guide to Kubescape - YouTube
fun,mlKhan Academy announces GPT-4 powered learning guide - YouTube
fun,mlPostgres without SQL: Natural language queries using GPT-3 & Rust | Citus Con 2023 - YouTube
golangHigh-performance JSON parsing in Go
java(No audio) Data Oriented Programming with the JDK 19 by José Paumard - YouTube
javaA Dissection of Java JDBC to PostgreSQL Connections
javaA Glance At The Java Performance Toolbox by Ana Maria Mihalceanu - YouTube
javaA Java 8 lambda is all you need for distributed background jobs! by Ronald Dehuysser - YouTube
javaAwesome Java applications with GraalVM and Java microservices frameworks by Аlina Yurenko - YouTube
javaBest practices for managing Java dependencies | Snyk
javaData-Oriented Programming in Java - YouTube
javaEasing the daily grind with these awesome JDK command line tools by Michael Hunger - YouTube
javaFOSDEM 2023 - AsyncGetStackTrace: The Improved Version Of AsyncGetCallTrace (JEP 435)
javaGame of Loom: implementation patterns [...] playing with virtual threads by Mario Fusco - YouTube
javaGraalVM Native Image — Faster, Smarter, Leaner - YouTube
javaHelidon - Microservices on Modern Java - YouTube
javaHow to make Java sockets faster, or How to be naughty with your JDK
javaICache pollution caused by instanceof
javaIn the wild: Java's Optional for control-flow
javaJDK 20 G1/Parallel/Serial GC changes
javaJVM Field Guide: Memory
javaJackson 2.15: yet faster floating-point reads | by @cowtowncoder | Apr, 2023 | Medium
javaJava 20 - nipafx
javaJava 20 is now available
javaJava 20 sneak peek
javaJava 20: Reviewing the Enhancements in the Latest JDK Release - YouTube
javaJava Flight Recorder as an Observability Tool - YouTube
javaJava Next - From Amber to Loom, from Panama to Valhalla by Nicolai Parlog - YouTube
javaJava Virtual Threads - YouTube
javaJavaFX 20 and Beyond - YouTube
javaKeep your dependencies in check by Marit van Dijk - YouTube
javaLearn how to write fast Java code with the Vector API - JEP Café episode 18 - YouTube
javaMajor migrations made easy by Tim Te Beek - YouTube
javaNull safety: Kotlin vs. Java
javaPrepare for what "Loom"s ahead by Dr. Heinz Kabutz - YouTube
javaProgrammer's Guide to JDK Flight Recorder by Joakim Nordström - YouTube
javaProject Panama: Interconnecting the Java Virtual Machine and Native Code - YouTube
javaProperty-based testing - let your testing library work for you by Magda Stożek - YouTube
javaReduce Java Application Startup and Warmup Times with CRaC - Azul | Better Java Performance, Superior Java Support
javaRevisiting Design Patterns after 20 by Edson Yanaga - YouTube
javaThe Art of Java Language Pattern Matching by Simon Ritter - YouTube
javaThe Basis of Virtual Threads: Continuations | Today
javaWriting a Profiler in 240 Lines of Pure Java | Mostly nerdless
java[JavaSpecialists 308] - Formatting Inlined @value in Javadocs
java,k8sInner Development Loop with Java on Kubernetes • Thomas Vitale • GOTO 2022 - YouTube
java,mlJBangGPT - YouTube
java,mlNYJavaSIG ChatGPT and Java - Frank Greco - YouTube
java,mlScalable OpenAI GPT Applications in Java - YouTube
java,securityEvolving the Security of the Java Platform - YouTube
java,securitySpring Security: The Good Parts by Daniel Garnier-Moiroux - YouTube
java,securityTowards Easier, More Secure Signature Technology for the Java Ecosystem with Sigstore - Sigstore Blog
java,security[VDBUH2023] - Gerrit Grunwald - Wargames - Java vulnerabilities and why you should care - YouTube
java,security[VDBUH2023] - Olimpiu Pop & Steve Poole - Peaceful Sleeping In the Age Of Shells - YouTube
java,testDeveloping resilient applications with Toxiproxy and Testcontainers - AtomicJar
java,testExhaustive JUnit5 Testing with Combinations, Permutations and Products - Chronicle Software
java,wasmGive super powers to Java with WebAssembly by Philippe Charriere @ Wasm I/O 2023 - YouTube
jvm,concurrentCoroutines and Loom behind the scenes by Roman Elizarov - YouTube
jvm,concurrentHow we test concurrent algorithms in Kotlin Coroutines by Nikita Koval - YouTube
k8sBuilding a Batch System for the Cloud with Kueue - Aldo Culquicondor, Google & Kante Yin, DaoCloud - YouTube
k8sKubernetes Batch Processing at Scale - A Scheduling Perspective - Lim Haw Jia & Fan Deliang - YouTube
k8sWe built network isolation for 1,500 services to make Monzo more secure
kotlinApidays Paris 2022 - Building Strongly typed APIs by Julien Salvi - YouTube
kotlin,wasmIntroducing Kotlin/Wasm by Zalim Bashorov & Sébastien Deleuze @ Wasm I/O 2023 - YouTube
mlBest thing I’ve read on GPT-4’s capabilities
mlConnect OpenAI To +5,000 Tools (LangChain + Zapier) - YouTube
mlMy ChatGPT 4 Workflow & Tips as a Software Engineer - YouTube
mlPerforming AIOps with OpenAI's ChatGPT API - Tutorial by Janakiram MSV - JANI.TV - YouTube
mlStructured Output From OpenAI (Clean Dirty Data) - YouTube
mlThe LangChain Cookbook - Beginner Guide To 7 Essential Concepts - YouTube
ml[VDBUH2023] - Liviu Șerban - A machine learning solution for detecting and mitigating flaky tests - YouTube
observabilityThe Case for Function-Level Metrics - Blog
observability,systemImproved Alerting with Atlas Streaming Eval | by Netflix Technology Blog | Apr, 2023 | Netflix TechBlog
productivityPrinciples of Effective Developers - YouTube
ruleHow we built Cedar with automated reasoning and differential testing - Amazon Science
rustSpotting and Avoiding Heap Fragmentation in Rust Applications
securityThe Dangers of Google’s .zip TLD. Can you quickly tell which of the URLs… | by Bobbyr | May, 2023 | Medium
systemA new distributed storage engine based on SQLite
systemAccelerating Regular Expressions with AVX-512
systemInside DataDog’s $5M Outage (Real-World Engineering Challenges #8)
systemKIP-925: Rack aware task assignment in Kafka Streams - Apache Kafka - Apache Software Foundation
systemTales from on-Call: Fun with Operating Etcd at Scale - Geeta Gharpure & Chao Chen, Amazon - YouTube
system,benchmarkKafka vs Redpanda Performance - Do the claims add up? — Jack Vanlightly
system,benchmarkWhy `fsync()`: Losing unsynced data on a single node leads to global data loss
system,incidentAddressing GitHub’s recent availability issues | The GitHub Blog
system,incidentDatadog’s $65M/year customer mystery solved - The Pragmatic Engineer
test[VDBUH2023] - Victor Rentea - Keynote: Your unit tests are trying to tell you something - YouTube
wasmWasmer Things: An Upside-Down Guide to WebAssembly by Edoardo Vacchi @ Wasm I/O 2023 - YouTube
zigIntro to the Zig Programming Language • Andrew Kelley • GOTO 2022 - YouTube
zigZig's I/O and Concurrency Story - King Protty - Software You Can Love 2022 - YouTube

Until next time!