1brc,java | One Billion Rows Challenge - Jaromír Hamala (QuestDB) - BrnoJUG 2024-03-20 - YouTube |
ai,fun,java | Building AI-Ready Platforms -Symphony for Developer and Platform Engineer -Thomas Vitale & Lize Raes - YouTube |
cloud,security | Introducing TrailDiscover: Simplifying Access to Security Insights about CloudTrail Events | by Adan | Mar, 2024 | Medium |
data | 213 Scaling Heights Mastering Postgres Database Vertical Scalability with Kubernetes Storage Magic - YouTube |
data | A Graph Database That You Can Embed - KuzuDB - YouTube |
data | Flink's SQL Engine: Let's Open the Engine Room! with Timo Walther |
data | Prefect and ClickHouse: Real-time event driven orchestration - YouTube |
data | Ramp and ClickHouse: Adopting ClickHouse for real-time OLAP Platform - YouTube |
data,k8s | We Tested and Compared 6 Database Operators. The Results are In ! - YouTube |
data,relnote | Differential Storage: A Key Building Block For A DuckDB-Based Data Warehouse |
data,relnote | Iterating terabyte-sized ClickHouse tables in production |
data,sql | How Figma's Databases Team Lived to Tell the Scale | Figma Blog |
data,system | (Tigerbeetle) Redesigning OLTP for a New Order of Magnitude - InfoQ |
ebpf,java | JVM & TLS: eBPF's Out-of-Comfort Zone - Valeri Pliskin, Datadog - YouTube |
golang,system | Building a Highly Concurrent Cache in Go: A Hitchhiker's Guide - Speaker Deck |
golang,system | Measuring your system’s performance using software (Go edition) – Daniel Lemire's blog |
java | A Better JNI: Project Panama - YouTube |
java | Digging Inside the JVM | LinkedIn |
java | Hello, Java 22! |
java | How fast is Java 22? |
java | Java 22 Is Here, And It's Ready To Rock |
java | Java 22 and IntelliJ IDEA | The IntelliJ IDEA Blog |
java | The Arrival of Java 22 |
java | The unknowns of JUnit 5 (Mike Kowalski) - YouTube |
java | What’s New in Java 22 in 2 Minutes... More or Less - Sip of Java - YouTube |
java,python | What’s new in Truffle 24.0 and Graal Languages | by Alina Yurenko | graalvm | Mar, 2024 | Medium |
java,relnote | Commonhaus Foundation: Now Open! · commonhaus/foundation · Discussion #123 |
java,relnote | JDK Mission Control 9.0.0 Released! – Marcus Hirt |
java,system | Maximizing Performance and Efficiency in Financial Trading Systems through Vertical Scalability and Effective Testing - InfoQ |
java,system | The Journey to a Million Ops / Sec / Node in Venice - InfoQ |
k8s | Connecting Millions of Containers Spanning Dozens of Clusters - YouTube |
k8s | What's New in Operator Framework? - Jonathan Berkhahn, IBM & Varsha Narsing, Red Hat - YouTube |
k8s,system | Zonal Outage Operational Stories - Jyoti Ranjan Mahapatra & Shyam Jeedigunta, Amazon Web Services - YouTube |
misc | Jackson moving into CommonHaus Foundation | by @cowtowncoder | Apr, 2024 | Medium |
misc | Startup Lessons from 25 Years and Five Startups - Tim Enwall, Fermyon Technologies, Inc. - YouTube |
observability | Telemetry Showdown: Fluent Bit Vs. OpenTelemetry Collector - a Comprehensive... - Henrik Rexed - YouTube |
observability,system | How we Built a 19 PiB Logging Platform with ClickHouse and Saved Millions |
rust | The State of Async Rust: Runtimes | corrode Rust Consulting |
security | Everything I know about the XZ backdoor |
security | The XZ backdoor CVE-2024-3094 | Snyk |
security | Why Email Breaches Still Happen? - YouTube |
security | oss-security - backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to ssh server compromise |
system | Beyond Tiered Storage: Serverless Kafka with No Local Disks with Richard Artoul |
system | Building a custom code search index in Go for searchcode.com | Ben E. C. Boyter |
system | Etcd 3.6 and Beyond - Wenjia Zhang, Marek Siarkowicz & Siyuan Zhang, Benjamin Wang - YouTube |
system | Relational Data at the Edge: How Cloudflare Operates Distributed PostgreSQL Clusters - InfoQ |
system | The Party Must Go on - Resume Pods After Spot Instance Shut Down - Muvaffak Onuş, QA Wolf - YouTube |
test | The trap of testing simple orchestration | Mike my bytes |
test | Tidy First? Kent Beck on Refactoring - YouTube |
wasm | Fast and Efficient Log Processing with Wasm and eBPF - Michael Yuan, Second State - YouTube |
zig | Zig And Rust |
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