Monday, September 23, 2024

Fall 2024 reading

Hi! Here's some tech and non-tech reading to start the Fall season (in the Northern hemisphere). It's Fall and still blazing hot. Hope you enjoy it, the reading I mean! (As usual, a hat tip to Hacker News, Reddit, Youtube, Spotify Twitter and my other feeds)

Tag(s)                  Link
relnote,observabilityPrometheus 3.0 Unveiled: PromCon Highlights with Julius Volz - YouTube
relnote,dataElasticsearch is Open Source, Again | Elastic Blog
bizDeveloping technical taste: A guide for next-gen engineers | Sam Schillace (Deputy CTO at Microsoft, creator of Google Docs) - In Depth | Podcast on Spotify
bizErin Meyer: Cross-cultural management, leadership and trust - In Good Company with Nicolai Tangen | Podcast on Spotify
bizScaling Teams and Yourself, with Cate Huston - It Shipped That Way | Podcast on Spotify
dataA quack at building scalable data pipelines with DuckDB (DuckCon #5, Seattle, 2024) - YouTube
dataBuilding an ingestion architecture for Apache Iceberg - YouTube
dataDelighting users with RESTful APIs and DuckDB (DuckCon #5, Seattle, 2024) - YouTube
dataImplementing InfluxDB IOx, "from scratch" using Apache Arrow, DataFusion, and Rust by Andrew Lamb - YouTube
dataMotherDuck: Taking flight with interactive analytics (DuckCon #5, Seattle, 2024) - YouTube
dataUnpacking the Buzz around ClickHouse - by Chris Riccomini
dataVLDB 2024 - ClickHouse: Lightning Fast Analytics for Everyone - YouTube
data,relnoteDuckDB – Overview and latest developments (DuckCon #5, Seattle, 2024) - YouTube
data,systemHow we made querying Pandas DataFrames with chDB 87x faster
data,systemPatching the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver
data,systemSupercharged Observability with ClickHouse - YouTube
data,systemWhy a Hedge Fund Built Its Own Database - YouTube
golangGo Singleflight Melts in Your Code, Not in Your DB
javaImproving OpenJDK Scalar Replacement - Part 3/3 - Microsoft for Java Developers
javaLeveraging Quarkus build-time metaprogramming capabilities to improve Jackson's serialization performance - Quarkus
javaPrinciples of Fluent API Design by David Beaumont - YouTube
javaTrash Talk - Exploring the Memory Management in the JVM | Gerrit Grunwald (EN) - YouTube
java,relnoteIncluding the Graal JIT in Oracle JDK 23
java,relnoteReviewing the JDK 23 Release Notes - Inside Java Newscast #76 - YouTube
java,relnoteThe Arrival of Java 23
java,systemChallenges of Custom Cache Implementation in Netty-Based Streaming Systems: Memory Fragmentation and OOM Issues | AutoMQ
java,systemHello eBPF: Writing a Linux scheduler in Java with eBPF (15) - Mostly nerdlessMostly nerdless
java,wasmWebAssembly, the Safer Alternative to Integrating Native Code in Java - InfoQ
jvmChannels in Kotlin Coroutines | Nikita Koval - YouTube
jvmJava, Kotlin, and Pandas Data Frames Walk into the One Billion Row Challenge | by Vladimir Zakharov | Medium | Medium
jvm,systemJRuby on CRaC Part 1: Let's Get CRaCking! – Charles Oliver Nutter – Java, Ruby, and JVM guy trying to make sense of it all
kotlinTrack and Analyze GitHub Star Growth With Kandy and Kotlin DataFrame | The Kotlin Blog
miscHow to balance technical direction and leadership work - YouTube
miscHow we try to avoid the technology migration trap at Netflix - Bruce Wang, Director Eng at Netflix - YouTube
miscPaul Walker: Growing With the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - YouTube
miscReflecting on some rough years in VC: is the model broken? - All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg | Podcast on Spotify
miscThe complexity of phone networks |
miscTimeless lessons on running software companies that endure | Alyssa Henry (Square, Amazon, Microsoft) - In Depth | Podcast on Spotify
observability,systemAnnouncing Pulse proxy - bitdrift Blog
observability,systemHandling Billions of Metrics with Prometheus and Thanos - Ravi Hari & Amit Auddy, Intuit - YouTube
observability,systemThanos Receiver Deep Dive - Joel Verezhak, Open Systems - YouTube
relnote,systemAnnouncing the Release of Apache Flink 1.20 | Apache Flink
relnote,systemValkey · Generally Available: Valkey 8.0.0
securityCoraza - The Open Source WAF With A Modern Approach - Juan Pablo Tosso - YouTube
systemA good day to trie-hard: saving compute 1% at a time
systemAWS re:Invent 2023 - Dive deep into Amazon DynamoDB (DAT330) - YouTube
systemCompile and run C in JavaScript | Bun Blog
systemDevnexus 2022 - How Does a Matching Engine Work - Juan D Bustamante - YouTube
systemDistributed DDL Replication at Global Scale by Gwen Shapira - YouTube
systemEventBridge under the hood | Serverless Office Hours - YouTube
systemFizzBee, TLA+, and (Practical) Formal Software Verification with JP Kadarkarai
systemHow DAZN streams live sports to MILLIONS of concurrent viewers - YouTube
systemHow do we run Kafka 100% on the object storage?
systemHow to Build an Exchange - YouTube
systemHow we scaled Grafana Cloud Logs’ memcached cluster to 50TB and improved reliability | Grafana Labs
systemJustin Kitagawa - How does Twilio run 99.999% systems? - YouTube
systemLeader Election With S3 Conditional Writes - Gunnar Morling
systemMeilisearch is too slow
systemPushy to the Limit: Evolving Netflix’s WebSocket proxy for the future | by Netflix Technology Blog | Sep, 2024 | Netflix TechBlog
systemReflection-based JSON in C++ at Gigabytes per Second – Daniel Lemire's blog
systemResource Management in Aurora Serverless - Marc's Blog
systemScaling Time-Series Data to Infinity: A Kubernetes-Powered Solution with Envoy - Hiroki Sakamoto - YouTube
systemSystems Distributed '24 Lightning Talks - YouTube
systemUSENIX ATC '23 - Distributed Transactions at Scale in Amazon DynamoDB - YouTube
systemValkey · Unlock 1 Million RPS: Experience Triple the Speed with Valkey
testMastering Concurrency: End to End Stress Testing with Kotlin Multiplatform – Oliver Okrongli - YouTube

Until next time!