- Introduction to writing custom collectors in Java 8 | NoBlogDefFound
- 5 Essentials for a Java 8 Tech Stack — Medium
- Philly ETE 2015 7 - Let’s Get to the Rapids: Java 8 Stream Performance - - YouTube
- CON7066 Effective Java Streams - YouTube
- Scala is not dead, but...
- Java A’s new Local-Variable Type Inference | Java, SQL and jOOQ.
- 2016 Will be the Year Remembered as When Java Finally Had Window Functions! | Java, SQL and jOOQ.
- Arrays of Wisdom of the Ancients
- Method Naming Conventions (The Java™ Tutorials Date-Time Overview)
- It's not too late for access control
- java - Do any JVM's JIT compilers generate code that uses vectorized floating point instructions? - Stack Overflow
- (Sort of nice) Gang of Four Patterns in a Functional Light: Part 1 | Voxxed
- java - Slow compilation with jOOQ 3.6+, plain SQL, and the javac compiler - Stack Overflow
- Anatomy of a memory leak - debugging native memory leaks in the JVM
- Psychosomatic, Lobotomy, Saw: GC 'Nepotism' And Linked Queues
- Java crumbs » Blog Archive » How to specify thread-pool for Java 8 parallel streams
- Type Inference in Java (JEP 286) can be disastrous
- JEP 285: Spin-Wait Hints
- JSR-166 Concurrency for Java discussions | About putOrdered and its meaning
- Outofmemoryerror what is the cost of java objects
- Mario Fusco on Twitter: "That's what Java devs do in checked exceptions catch blocks and why I believe they are just useless verbosity"
- How Functional Programming will (Finally) do Away With the GoF Patterns | Java, SQL and jOOQ.
Other languages
- So You Wanna Go Fast? – Brave New Geek
- Pony - A new, race-free, safe & fast actor programming language - YouTube
- State and future of Heka
- After a year of using NodeJS in production | Geek for Brains
- Extreme Cleverness: Functional Data Structures in Scala - Daniel Spiewak - YouTube
- Go and Quasar: a comparison of style and performance
- (Golang to Python) 1.3 aka "And Now for Something Completely Different" asciinema blog
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- Writing an OS in Rust
- Performance of trait methods | The Scala Programming Language
- Hacker news Go and Java 20 yrs ago
Reactive programming
- Java 8 Stream API and RxJava Comparison
- JEP 266: More Concurrency Updates
- concurrency-interest jdk9 Candidate classes Flow and SubmissionPublisher
- JSR166 Flow and SubmissionPublisher
- Why we chose Akka for our Cloud Device solution - King Tech Blog
- New Concurrency Models on the JVM: Fibres, Verticles, Agents and Actors. by Lutz Huehnken - YouTube
- Quasar vs Akka
Persistent data structures
- Persistent data structure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 3 Things Java Programmers Can Steal from Clojure | LispCast
- Clojure differences between Ref, Var, Agent, Atom, with examples - Stack Overflow
- polymatheia - Understanding Clojure's Persistent Vector, pt. 2
- Jay Fields' Thoughts: Clojure: State Management
- Understanding Clojure's PersistentHashMap (deftwice...)
- javaslang/ at javaslang/javaslang
- hrldcpr/pcollections: A Persistent Java Collections Library
- andrewoma/dexx: Persistent (immutable) collections for Java and Kotlin
- michaelwoerister/rs-persistent-datastructures: A Persistent Map Implementation based on Hash Array Mapped Tries
- CRDTs for fun and eventual profit
- scala-exchange-2013-crdt.pdf
- Reconciling Eventually-Consistent Data with CRDTs | SkillsCast | 3rd December 2013
- Fun with CRDTs | Richard Dallaway
- Readings in conflict-free replicated data types
- Peter Alvaro on Distributed Programming, CRDTs, LDFI
- ajantis/java-crdt: Collection of common Conflict-free Replicated Data Types in Java
- jboner/akka-crdt: Server-managed CRDTs based on Akka
- dclements/riak-java-crdt: Java CRDT Library with a focus on supporting Riak.
- Dmitry Ivanov & Nami Naserazad - Practical Demystification of CRDT (Lambda Days 2016) - YouTube
- Elasticon - TAP(ping) Out Security Threats at FireEye
- History of massive-scale sorting experiments at Google | Google Cloud Big Data Blog — Google Cloud Platform
- Comparison of Apache Stream Processing Frameworks: Part 2
- rqlite - replicated SQLite with new Raft consensus and API - Vallified
- Dropbox's MagicPocket
- MLLeap, or How to Productionize Data Science Workflows Using Spark - YouTube
- Spark @ DataXu: Multi Model Machine Learning for Real Time Bidding Over Display Ads - YouTube
- Introduction To The Apache Cassandra 3.x Storage Engine
- Good notes on setting up security - Hardening cassandra for compliance or paranoia
- Inside Apache SystemML - YouTube
- Elastic Cloud Outage: Root Cause and Impact Analysis | Elastic
- DIY Jepsen Testing CockroachDB | Blog | Cockroach Labs
- Jepsen: VoltDB 6.3
- CAP Twelve Years Later: How the "Rules" Have Changed
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- Cassandra SASI Index Technical Deep Dive | DOAN DuyHai's blog
- The Linux Scheduler: a Decade of Wasted Cores | the morning paper
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- An Overview of Apache Streaming Technologies | Databaseline
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Systems and other computer science-y stuff
- Relating Service Utilisation to Latency – Rob Harrop
- Server Utilization: Joel On Queuing
- Ridesharing Algorithms in TransLoc OnDemand — TransLoc TechLog
- On intel x86 processors do you have branch predictions on fixed loops ? - Google Groups
- How Three Fundamental Data Structures Impact Storage and Retrieval - DZone Database
- Psychosomatic, Lobotomy, Saw: Fixing Coordinated Omission in Cassandra Stress
- Erasure Coding: Backblaze Open Sources Reed-Solomon Code
- Who Needs Git When You Got ZFS? —
- Making sense of Memory Barriers - Google Groups
- Reducing latency spikes by tuning the CPU scheduler
- Storage Service Response Time | Guesstimate
- Netty @Apple: Large Scale Deployment/Connectivity
- Salmon Run: Elasticsearch based Image Search using RGB Signatures
- Sysdig | How we found a bug in Amazon ELB
- The revenge of the listening sockets
- Classic Programmer Paintings
- SmashingConf San Francisco 2016 - Jeff Atwood on Vimeo
- Is group chat making you sweat? — Signal v. Noise
- Actually, Slack really sucks — The Startup — Medium
- I bought my boss two copies of The Mythical Man Month
- Sam Stephenson on Twitter: "12 years of progress?"
- brucesnyder on Twitter: "Software architecture as pasta"
- basarat on Twitter: "MicroServices : converting a single server problem into a distributed transaction problem"
- Ordre Spontané: Brandolini’s law
- You Suck at Excel with Joel Spolsky - YouTube
- Jetbrains: The unicorn Silicon Valley doesn't like to talk about
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